Looking for Love

Is love really so lost that we have to look for it? Or is it that we get lost while looking for people willing to love us? There have been many times when I felt ready to give up on people and love itself. I know that love is real and and that it won’t play games with my heart; but my heart still aches just the same. My path to love hasn’t been easy. But I know that love is simple and love is kind. We’re the ones who make the journey towards it complex.

Despite my many discouraging moments, I have hope. I fight to continue believing in love and all the beautiful possibilities it offers such as friendship, family, loyalty, partnership, comfort, happiness, romance, and spiritual covering. Of course, there’s so much more. I’m convinced that I will bask in its warmth. Right now, I’m in its shade.

I’ve seen a glimpse of love’s greatness and it is mind-blowing! I carry love within me and it soothes my soul. The love that I have for myself and others, flows back on me, touching me with its fullness. If this is the surface, I’m super excited to be emerged!


I’d like to encourage each of you reading this that you’re not alone. What feels like a quest for love is not in vain. Maybe you haven’t found your life partner. Maybe you haven’t found that special someone worthy of you. Maybe you don’t feel worthy of love. Maybe you’ve been let down time and time again by those who said they love you. Maybe like me, you’ve come close but yet love feels so far away. Keep your head up. Don’t give away your hope or your faith. Believe.

The beautiful thing is that you can embrace love today. You don’t have to wait for it to look a certain way or for it to be embodied by a certain individual. You can possess love. It can flow within you. Resist bitterness. Shift out of being jaded. Open yourself up to endless, positive opportunities.  No matter how small the circle, surround yourself with people you care about and those you know care about you. Live with passion. Turn off autopilot. Be intentional and go after the things (and people) that make you happy.

Love will find you. Or at least, you’ll attract the one who is ready and willing to love you. I don’t have a crystal ball and I can’t make you specific promises. I’m speaking from a hope that’s deep within my heart. Just recently, I went through a painful reality check when it comes to love. It blew me away. My heart is hurt; but I know that whatever is meant for me will be so beautiful and undeniable. I’m willing to wait for the best. I’m willing to hope for what’s better. You all know me by now. I keep it 💯. I won’t act like I’m all good and everything is perfect. It’s not. I have been so low that I refuse to go back there. I have lived in depression so much that I refuse to ever stay there. I have known love so deeply that I refuse to accept anything less.

It’s possible that I may never marry. I may experience more heartbreak; but I will fight to be love and believe in love. No matter what, I will not let go of the gift that love is. It doesn’t need a fairy tale and it isn’t powered by fantasy. Love is real. Love is waiting. Love waits for us to mature, to grow, and to heal. Love waits for our willingness to sacrifice and be committed to being the best version of ourselves. Love gives. Love gives patience, space and time. Love gives courage, strength and peace.

So, are you looking for love or is love looking for you? Maybe this time is just what you need to prepare with purpose. Perhaps your story is being written and “They lived in love ever after” is being added. You may be much closer than you think. Hold on. Wait with wonder and excitement. Love each day in a way that you won’t regret. Now is your time just because you are here. You are special and you matter. I’m rooting for you. Please, root for me.

Hope Always,


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Heyyy!! My name is Melissa. I'm affectionately called Missy. I'm a survivor who has learned to thrive! As one who has overcome depression, suicide, abuse and physical illness, I know that hope is real. Everything that I've been through has been for my good. My struggle helped me to more clearly see me and discover hope, happiness, and purpose.

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